Thursday, July 30th, 2015
Everyone uses social media these days, right?
Apparently not.
Even those who have social media accounts aren’t always using them very well.
Only 83 percent of business marketers feel like social media is important for their business according to Social Media Examiner.
Worse – only 53 percent of marketers even monitor their success through social media.
Obviously this is an area where many companies can make vast improvements.
Why – you may argue – should you worry about monitoring your social media?
You’re doing just fine without adding another burden to your busy workday.
The statistics argue otherwise.
Studies show that social media has a 100 percent higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing.
For many business owners who haphazardly throw things out on Twitter or Facebook – you’re missing the point.
And you’re missing a ridiculous amount of money.
Why not ensure that your social media is actually working for you?
Social Media Monitoring Tools
TweetReach doesn’t just monitor how many tweets are made about your company, but it also monitors just how far those tweets travel through cyber space. TweetReach measures how much impact the mentions have online, helping you and your company narrow down who your most influential followers are. These influential followers are an excellent target for future conversations and marketing as well.
Tweet Reach
Many of the TweetReach results appear as visuals similar to an infographic. The results are simple to read with large labels, clear graphs and the ability to drill down through the data to find more results including your most retweeted tweets and top contributors.
A neat visual format makes Social Mention a straight forward monitoring site to use. Type in the name of your company and then Search to see all of the links to your various mentions. You can adjust the time frame and the source as well as identify the “passion” of the various postings about your company, which means how likely it is that someone else will repeat the original mention of your company.
Social Mention
Best of all, this is all broken down in a visual approach using simple boxes, statistics and drop-down menus. With Social Mention you’ll see information from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Photobucket and more included in the analytics. Social Mention is also free and can be used without any sort of registration.
Another visual tool, Mention separates the information you want from the rest of the online noise and chatter. Through Mention you can monitor millions of sources in real time and in up to 42 languages. The real time alerts gives you options to react and start conversations with social media users who have mentioned your company.
Through Mention you can do an online search for real time information or set up a email service to see the collection of activity from the previous day. The data can even be exported as CSV or PDF files so that you can collect, share and manipulate the data in other software. There is a free basic plan that you can use on Mention or use the 14 day free trial before committing to a paid membership.
Primarily associated with Twitter, TwazzUp is a good way to get started with monitoring basics. Enter the hashtag or name you’re looking to track and the screen will fill with real-time results and updates. Your most influential followers, your retweeted photos and links and posts will all be there as well as the top ten keywords that are associated with your account and search.
The keywords alone are worth a few minutes looking through the results as they can tell you what the social media world is thinking about in relation to your company or industry niche. The data isn’t as pretty on TwazzUp as it is on other monitoring platforms, but it is simple enough, appearing in lists of influencers and recent tweets.
Talkwalker starts with a simple search. Once you’ve searched your company name, you can drill down through the data to narrow results according to the type of mention, the language of the mention, the frequency and the quantity.
Talk Walker
You can set up Talkwalker Alerts to update you on this information daily or less frequently as well as a world map view where you can literally see where the various mentions have occurred. The pie charts that sit over the regions of the world map are broken down into positive, negative and neutral mentions as well.
Addictomatic gives you a good overview of many different social media accounts, breaking your data down into easily sorted categories and boxes. With Addictomatic you can keep an eye on a variety of social media accounts including Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, WordPress, Bing News, Delicious, Google, and others.
This particular social media collection does a good job showing you an overview of your company mentions and activity as well as showing you the collective brand position your company has on social media.
The angle for HowSociable is to widen the viewing lens away from just your company. With HowSociable, you can monitor not just your company’s social media platform, but your competition’s platforms as well.
How Sociable
A free account with HowSociable lets you track 12 social sites, but a paid pro account lets you track up to twenty-four total accounts giving you a more comprehensive tool including Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. HowSociable breaks down all of your activity in various social media accounts to create scores for each. This lets you see immediately which are most effective and which platforms can use more development. Do the same search with your competition, and you can see who is the most effective.
Topsy search engine monitors mentions in real time and the search results include highlights from top conversations online. The search results also measure sentiment and analytics are provided as well. The data pulled by Topsy can be sorted by the sort of mention – links, tweets, photos, videos or influencers – and you can drill through those categories to find how the mentions originated.
Topsy has provides comprehensive results – perhaps more data than many of its competitors – but it focuses on the top influencers and conversations, not everything.
Hootsuite lets you monitor the most popular social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter in real time. On Hootsuite you create a “stream” to watch. Add a stream by keywords and brand to monitor what others are saying about you in real-time. You can create multiple streams and upgrade to more powerful versions of the software as well.
Hoot Suite
Hootsuite also allows you to consolidate your social media accounts to make managing and watching their regular activities simpler and more convenient. Twitter, in particular, is easily managed with Hootsuite. Watch activity both with your hash tag and without it so that you can respond immediately. The weekly analytics report is considered one of the best in the industry and there is a team management facility as well to make using the software with multiple users a simpler task.
The focus here is on blog activity as well as some social media account monitoring. If you select the Big Buzz options, you’ll see results not just from blogs, but from Facebook, Twitter and some image websites like Flickr as well. You can select the various periods of time you’d like to monitor activity as well.
Ice Rocket
IceRocket isn’t especially complex for a new user, but it is free and doesn’t even require a login of any kind to use. It is most useful for monitoring blog activity and mentions thanks to the more than 200 million blogs in their database.
As its name may indicate, PinAlerts is tied to Pinterest more than any other social network. PinAlerts monitors links from your website to your pins. When anyone pins from your website, an email is sent to alert you to the activity.
Pin Alerts
The timely mention also allows you to establish relationships and conversation with the active pinners to encourage additional pins and perhaps additional site activity as well.
An excellent option for beginners, TweetDeck covers the most basic needs of Twitter monitoring. TweetDeck also allows you to schedule tweets to be released at the most optimal times. In addition to scheduling tweets, the website also monitors your interactions and messages.
Tweet Deck
It tracks your hashtags and can manage multiple Twitter accounts as well if you have multiple accounts across your brand or company platform. While useful, the software is more basic that others on this list and it collects information after the fact, lacking real time updates.
Images and videos are included in the social media sphere and must be monitored as well. While some websites manage a collection of sites including some video and image sites, Reachli, formerly Pinerli, is dedicated solely to videos and images. In fact, the biggest claim to fame here is the collection of Pinterest analytics the website can create.
The goal for Reachli is to help you find which picture or video was most effective. It allows you to drill down through the data to find the total number of clicks on the file, the number of views, likes, reshares and how extensive the audience was for every post that is created through Reachli. The stats delivered are shown to you by platform.
A simple software, BackTweets simply tells you how many people are talking about your company or you online. The data here is collected as a sort of tweet archive where you can see who is talking about you or your keyword, what they are saying and how often they are saying it.
Back Tweets
Through BackTweets you can also do a bit of digging into URLS that are sent via Twitter as well including the results for full URLS, shortened URLS and the URLS without any sort of prefix, giving you insight into exactly how your keywords are showing up.
Perhaps the original social media alert, GoogleAlerts is a basic alert service that lets you know via email every time a keyword or name is mentioned on a website. GoogleAlerts is an excellent way to stay in touch with news or website updates and posts, but it has a glaring omission where most social media platforms are concerned.
Google Alerts
This should be the first step for most companies who are just getting started with monitoring – it’s free, it’s simple and updates are sent to you as it happens or on a daily basis allowing you to get some feedback from the internet about your company.
Another good, yet free, website, Buffer is an app that manages multiple accounts across Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. The software allows you to set up a tweeting or updating schedule for all of your various accounts, effectively automating the social media process.
All of the posts and updates are collected in a series of analytics as well. For additional features, you can upgrade to a paid account for more benefits and social media access.
Klout takes a unique approach to social media, and there is understandably some controversy that comes with this. Klout measures how much “social klout” you have online, assigning you a score based on the company’s own algorithm. Some claim the Klout score is nonsense and others claim that it is rather on point with the various measures.
Klout shows the influence your Twitter account and Facebook accounts can have on conversations. It’s a good way to keep an eye on your brand reputation online through social media and keeping half and eye on the social Klout score can also tell you if your social media campaigns are improving and growing over time.
Setting up social media accounts is easy – just fill out the necessary forms. But using those accounts to accelerate your marketing, build your brand and then interact with customers is more complex. Fortunately, there are many tools to help you manage, post and collect data from your efforts, making your new efforts pay off easily and well.
A great list! Thank You for mentioning some of the tools that I haven’t seen before. An out of the box post that can help. I am trying few of this and will leave review shortly!
Thank You
Best Regards,
Saqib Ahmad
Twitter: guestcrew
Thanks for the kind word Sabiq,
I’m glad you found the post helpful. Those tools will really make your social media marketing easier if you use them well.
Go check them out and let me know what you think.
Thanks for stopping by.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Wow! Really great list! you have listed almost all best tools which are currently in use over the huge crowd. i prefer topsy because it is easy to use and so helpful in recognizing the twitter trends very well.
Thanks for sharing
best regards
Pushpendra singh
Twitter: guestcrew
Great to have you here Pushpendra,
Topsy is really a very useful tool and I agree with your point that its simple to use.
I also use it a lot in keeping up with Twitter trends.
Thanks for your wonderful comment, hope you’ll visit again.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Thanks for this long but really huge, relevant and full list.
This is really helpful and I know this can be of use to me since I’m just new so I can’t wait to check them all out.
Have a beautiful day!
Twitter: nspiriting
here are some really interesting tools on this list I haven’t heard of before. Thank you for spending attention on details and functions.
Twitter: guestcrew
Hi Katrin,
Welcome to the Guest Crew community.
I guess there are so many things out there we don’t know about yet right?
I’m happy you found them interesting.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Twitter: guestcrew
Thanks Luna and welcome to our community,
Feel free to check all the tools mentioned here, I’m sure you’ll find them really handy.
Thanks and do let me know if there is anyway i can help you.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Indeed it is one thing to engage in social media and it is quite a different ball game to monitor its success. The importance of implementing a proper social media campaign with the right monitoring tool cannot be ignored.
The tools shared here are should be revealing even to the worst social marketer that ignores evaluation of his business social campaign.
I guess it will make sense to test how each of these tools are going to help a specific business improve on its campaign.
I left the above comment in as well.
Twitter: guestcrew
You’re very correct Sunday,
If you really want to get any meaningful result from your social media campaigns then, you should be willing to monitor your progress. This is the only way to know if what you’re doing is working or not.
Thanks for the visit Sunday and do enjoy your weekend.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
A whole bunch of useful tools for social media marketing. Till now I only knew about Klout and Buffer.
Twitter: guestcrew
Hello Arup,
I’m happy you found the post useful. Its good you know about Klout, you can go ahead and check out the rest of the tools, I’m sure you’ll see another good one.
Thanks for the visit.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Very useful post, TweetReach is my favorite tool in the listed items and I guess I’m gonna have to try rest of the listed tool.
Thanks for sharing.
Twitter: guestcrew
Thanks Samir,
TweetReach is a very handy tool. Just check out the rest on the list and I’m sure you’ll find another good one.
Thanks for the comment.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
The tools shared here will help to monitor marketers’ activities on social media. While this is good, it brings into sharp focus the productivity rate of businesses who are using the social platform to drive traffic. On the one hand there is engagement which has to take place before measurement can be done, so how are the post to be executed, automation as well? It is always better to post manually, certainly on Facebook. On the other hand someone has to monitor the analytics in order to properly respond. For the start-ups and other businesses being run by one person, how effective would this really be?
Twitter: guestcrew
Hello Vinton,
Welcome to Guest Crew community and thanks for taking out time to leave us a comment.
You can do it all alone if you’re just starting and can’t delegate some of the tasks. The easiest way is to simply have a to-do list.
Know the time you have to work on your social media promotions. There are many tools out there that you can use to automate the posting like buffer app now, your main job will now be to always monior your mentiones, retweets, likes, etc according to your scheduled time using any of the tools mentioned here.
You can also configure your twitter in such a way that once you tweet, it will automatically be shared on your facebook page as well.
Don’t know if i answered your question?
Thanks for stopping by.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Thanks for including such a great write-up of TweetReach! We’re proud to help people measure their social efforts. If anyone has any questions about what else we can help them measure (Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and now Facebook!) feel free to reach out to us on Twitter @UnionMetrics.
– Sarah A. Parker
Social Media Manager | Union Metrics
Fine Makers of TweetReach, The Union Metrics Social Suite, and more
Twitter: guestcrew
I’m happy to have you here Sarah,
Thanks a lot for taking out the time to pay us a visit and also leave a comment.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Hi Theodore,
Thank you for sharing so many different kinds of tools to help us in online business.
I will be checking them out to see how they will help me.
Thanks again.
Twitter: guestcrew
Welcome to the community Monna
I appreciate the visit and comment.
Do check them out and let me know what you think.
Thanks a lot, hoping to see you here again.
Theodore Nwanene
Guest Crew community manager
Hey Theodore
Great post, very detailed. I need to put a lot more focus into social media, so this has proven very timely and helpful. I had not heard of many of these tools, I have a lot to get clued up on.
Twitter: guestcrew
Welcome to the community Phil,
I’m glad you found the post handy. Just check them out, I’m sure they will make your social media marketing much easier for you.
Thanks for stopping and for leaving us a great comment. Looking forward to seeing you more.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager.
Hi Theodore,
I’m familiar with some of these and thanks for introducing me to new ones. I use the Feedly RSS reader which is great for keeping up with when there are new posts on your favorite blogs. I also bring my Google and Talkwater alerts into this.
I hardly use Klout now as I don’t think it as valuable as it used to be.
Twitter: guestcrew
Thanks for this awesome comment Sue and welcome.
I also use Feedly RSS reader and its such a very useful tool as well. I haven’t heard of Talkwater alert before.
Thanks once again.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager.
I have been a fan of Mention, Hootsuite and TweetDeck. These tools have helped me greatly in monitoring tweets. I will urge the uninformed or the newbies to test out these tools!
I left the above comment in as well.
Twitter: guestcrew
Thanks for the amazing input Sunday,
Those tools are really worth checking out and i’m happy they’re working for you as well.
Thanks for the comment.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager.
Excellent article, Uttoran. Monitoring tools are certainly a great way to identify, predict and respond to the changes in consumer behavior. Thanks, Niraj (Founder at
Twitter: guestcrew
Great point Niraj,
I couldn’t have agreed more. Thanks for that.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager.
I was literally just looking for a way to analyze my audience on Twitter. Someone told me about a site called “Followerwonk,” but I’m not really feeling it. I’ll definitely have to check out a few of these tools to see which one works best for me.
Twitter: guestcrew
Good to have you here Tiffany, welcome to the community.
I’ve also heard of Followerwonk before but have never tried it. It might be a nice tool but just as you said, it will be good to check the ones here first, I’m sure you’ll find something that will work very well for you.
Thanks for the shout out and please, do come again.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager.
Hello Theodore,
I found this list very useful! You can also add some more tools in your list-
Thanks for sharing these tools.
I found your post on under social media category.
Twitter: guestcrew
Welcome to Guest Crew community Pawan and thanks a bunch for letting us know about those other tools, i will sure check them out.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager.
It’s pretty crazy to me how many different social platforms there are as well as tools to help use them better. It’s hard to keep track! I like HootSuite a lot but I don’t use it as much as I could.
Twitter: guestcrew
Welcome to the community Untemplater.
Hootsuit is a nice tool and you should be using it very well.
Thanks for the comment.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community Manager
Hello Theodor,
Hootsuite is what I use, I dint know we have tons of other tools for social media monitoring, thanks for this list
Twitter: guestcrew
Majority of the people are using Hootsuit and I guess its because they’re not aware of these other great tools.
Just check them out and let me know what you think.
Thanks for coming Hairy.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community Manager
What an awesome and thorough roundup of all the SM monitoring tools out there! I personally use HootSuite and really enjoy the flexibility it provides in being able to schedule out some of my tweets, etc. in advance.
Twitter: guestcrew
Welcome to the community Christina,
Hootsuit is really a very amazing tool and I also uses it for my SM marketing.
However, it’ll be good if you can try these other tools and see how useful they might be too.
Thanks for the visit.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community Manager
Incredibly informative post.
I was actually just wondering why my posts had been lackluster lately. I’ve been writing pure information articles for a client, and couldn’t seem to get back to that ‘engaging’ feel I once had with my writing.
Now I remember. Stories! Very timely post, it’s going to come in very handy for me.
Twitter: guestcrew
Good to have you here Solanki,
If you want your articles to stick, you’ll have to first engage your readers with good stories this way, they’ll always find what you write helpful and will also spread the word about it.
Thanks for coming and do have a great weekend.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community Manager
Excellent post on Social Media Monitoring.
I have to say i do engage on social media but i do not use any social media monitoring tools yet. This article made me feel like i’m missing out on something 😉
Twazzup sounds like a tool that i would be doing good to start off with. I did already know Topsy, but frankly i can’t remember the last time i utilized it, so thanks for the friendly reminder!
I’ve also been thinking about switching from Buffer to Hootsuite because it has the monitoring features and everything, but then again i love the simplicity of Buffer – which only allows me to schedule posts.
IceRocket seems like a fantastic one also. I like simple 🙂 So i’ll definitely check it out
Thanks a lot for sharing!
– Jasper
Twitter: guestcrew
Hello Jasper,
Welcome to Guest Crew community,
Buffer is really a very simple tool for content sharing scheduling but I’m certain you’ll find Hootsuit more handy and sophisticated.
Just pick any of the tools and see what it can do for you.
Thanks a lot for the lovely comment Jasper, I’m happy you found it helpful.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community Manager
This time and generation, social media platforms are widely used. Marketers and bloggers take the full advantage of this digital age and use Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram, Google Plus, LinkedIn and etc. to successful hit their goal/s.
Since time is gold, and we don’t have all the time in the world to manage all the social media accounts and monitor everything, social media monitoring tools was made. They are made to lend a hand.
These 17 tools here are indeed very revealing. We couldn’t ask for more! They are all a must try. Nevertheless, identifying certain goals, needs and wants are important before trying any one in your list.
Hi Theodore
Amazing list indeed. Every one including me is looking to find out a quick was to distribute our content over social media channels like a skyrocket to bring in blasting viral traffic. And you have just listed all the tools and weapons for a blogging or SMO ninja.
Thanks a lotnfor sharing.
Twitter: guestcrew
I’m glad you found the post interesting Vashishtha and welcome to the community,
Now, its time to check the tools out one after the other to see which will become a savior :).
Thanks a bunch for stopping by and sharing your view.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager.
Twitter: guestcrew
I couldn’t have agreed more Metz,
Its very important to know your needs and goals before deciding on a particular tool that will help you achieve it.
You’re welcome to the community Metz.
Thanks a lot for stopping by and do have a lovely week.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Hey Uttoran,
Thanks for this great list of social media tools we all can use to monitor our accounts. I’m guilty of not doing this myself and need to push myself to do so. I’m interested to see “HowSociable” works for me.
I’ve used Topsy to find high influencers within my niche and I have stumbled across a couple of great people. Also I need to push myself to use Klout to see how my reputation is growing. I signed up with them but haven’t checked my status.
Thanks for the share Uttoran! Have a great week!
I found your post on under the category of Social Media
Twitter: guestcrew
I’m happy you found the tools useful Sherman,
Choose any of them and I’m sure you’ll fall in love with it.
Topsy is a nice option too but the one I use and love so much is Hootsuit.
Thanks for stopping by.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Hi Theodore,
Good list I’ve been looking for some social media tools for promotions I just got stuck with buffer , retweet and hootsuit which I’ve not tried other methods you have mentioned these sites are more worth for our promotions.
Thanks for sharing it
Twitter: guestcrew
I’m glad you finally found the tools you’re looking for here Shameen,
I’ll suggest you try Hootsuit as that’s what I uses most of the time and I’m sure you’ll also like it.
Thanks for sharing.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Hi Theodore,
Impressive list! I met you on Danny Iny’s site. I have had good experiences with Hootsuite and Topsy. I’m looking into finding out about these others. Thank you.
Twitter: guestcrew
Hello Janice,
Welcome to Guest Crew community. I’m a big fan of Danny and I love his blog, I’m happy you visits him too.
Hootsuit is a lovely tool and I also use it most of the time
Thanks for the visit and please, do come again.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Twitter: startbizquitjob
Hi Theodore,
Great list. I’m Buffer all the way. It’s easy to use, they have great features and it’s a great price.
Thanks for letting us all know about the other alternatives
Twitter: guestcrew
Nice to have you around Naomi,
Buffer is a lovely tool and I’m happy you’re using it as well.
Thanks for the kind words and do have a cool weekend.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Hi Theodore,
Thank you Uttoran for sharing Theodore post with us on Kingged.
Really impressive list of social media monitoring tools in this Blog post. Some like Buffer and Hootsuite I’d heard about others I had not encountered before.
Thanks for the comprehensive list with appropriate screen grabs that add value to the content. I know the effort that goes into creating such epic Blog posts and I salute you.
While that is true, I’ve read quite a few exhaustive Blog posts about the best social media tools to use, and I’m as confused as I ever was.
This is because there is a brief paragraph of what each tool can do, and most tools more or less do roughly the same thing. i.e. monitor Tweets, allow you to queue up tweets for publishing at the best times and so on.
I find it hard to locate (immediately) useable information on – How To – use any one such tool end to end. For example I’ve got to read quite a few tutorials on Hootsuite, a few with definitely conflicting information, and then sort out on my own, how best to use Hootsuite to monitor my social streams effectively.
At the end of the day it’s a hit and miss, try and learn, method that I’ve got to apply and I’m always worried that I am underutilizing the tool or not really using the tool efficiently enough and hence I’m actually losing out on my subscription.
Have you come across any sites that you trust that deliver – How To – type tutorials for these myriad social media monitoring tools? If you have please do share, I’d turn cartwheels if you do.
Thanks for this Blog though Theodore, I did enjoy reading through it end to end.
I came to this Blog post via a link on submitted by Uttoran.
Twitter: guestcrew
Thanks for the kind words Ivan,
I also found it a bit confusing the first time I tried Hootsuit but what I did was, I went to YouTube and typed “Hootsuit Tutorials” on their search bar, and I was able to locate a lot of video tutorials on how to make use of it. Maybe you should do the same.
Thanks for sharing
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Wow…what a great list you have provided here! I have Google Alerts, but while reading, it doesn’t compare with the others mentioned here.
I like “Mention” most of all and seems like a good fit of what I need at this time. I did click to the previous link about this and it seems like it is one thing I need.
I’ve bookmarked this wonderful post and will be sharing it with my friends. Thanks so much for putting this information together.
Twitter: guestcrew
Thank you Donna,
I’m glad you found the post helpful and thanks for the share too.
Do have a lovely weekend.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
[…] field of newsjacking, you can start by simply setting up some notifications through Google or other social media monitoring sites. Watching the media can be a full-time job, and it’s one that a lot of professionals […]
Twitter: Anantpatel09
Hello Theodore,
I am using topsy, buffer, Klout, HootSuite and mention now a day for social media marketing. I would like to recommended some of my favorite tools Followerwonk, Buzzsumo and post planner. Try these 3 tools to get more visitors to your blog.
Thanks for your sharing great insight over here..
Happy Firday!!
Twitter: guestcrew
Hello Patel,
It’s good yo hear that you’re making use of those tools, they’re really helpful indeed.
I’m also using Buzzsumo and its really a very good tool. Have heard about Followerwonk and Post Planner but haven’t used them before.
Thanks for the input Patel.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Hey.,Really impressive list of social media monitoring tools in this Blog post. Some like Buffer and Hootsuite I’d heard about others I had not encountered before.Good list I’ve been looking for some social media tools for promotions I just got stuck with buffer , retweet and hootsuit which I’ve not tried other methods you have mentioned these sites are more worth for our promotions.Every one including me is looking to find out a quick was to distribute our content over social media channels like a skyrocket to bring in blasting viral traffic. And you have just listed all the tools and weapons for a blogging or SMO ninja.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
Twitter: guestcrew
Thanks Sneha,
Hootsuit and Buffer seems to be most people’s favourite.
You can check out the other tools mentioned here and see if you can find something that’s good too.
Thanks for coming.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Hi Theodore,
I use Topsy and Hootsuite. You went to my site today (still Sunday here), and I wanted to thank you for your interest, comment, and visit. I did not realize at the time that we met on Danny’s site. I have just started recently self-hosting. I was hoping to expand my following with the guest post. Thanks for coming to my blog this morning. Nice to have met you.
Twitter: guestcrew
Hello Janice,
Welcome to Guest Crew community. I’m really pleased to have you here.
You don’t even need to thank me for visiting your blog because, I’m also very happy i did :). You’re doing such an awesome job there. Do keep it up please and always let me know of anyway i can be of help.
Thanks for the visit.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager.
Great topic you have shared with us! Blogging is something that has the potential for success in nearly any industry. However, this slim potential doesn’t translate into big bucks or Internet success for everyone. Dreaming of a career as a famous blogger won’t translate into real success if we aren’t equipped for the job.
Twitter: guestcrew
I agree with you Helen,
Dreaming of a career as a famous blogger won’t translate into real success if we aren’t equipped for the job and that is so true.
If we’re not prepared, we are going to achieve nothing blogging.
Thanks for the visit and for your nice contribution.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
This is such a thorough list! I haven’t heard of a few of these – I’ll have to check them out.
I love Hootsuite and PinAlerts is a personal favourite as well.
Thanks for sharing.
Twitter: guestcrew
Thanks for the kind words Jennifer,
I’m glad you like the post. Do let us know of your experience if you eventually try the tools.
Thanks for the visit.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
Hi Theodore,
Great list. I am using Hootsuite and Google Alerts. It’s easy to use, they have great features. Truly Speaking i haven’t heard of a few these and I never use other now I’ll try all
Thanks for Sharing.
Twitter: guestcrew
Welcome to the community Meenakshi,
I’m glad you found the post helpful. Just try the tools and I’m sure you will fall in love with them :).
Thanks for the visit.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
This is an awesome list here.
I never heard about tweetreach, but from the description of it, it looks really promising.
Also, backtweets look really interesting to me too. I’ll have to really check these out thoroughly.
Thanks for sharing this.
– Andrew
Twitter: guestcrew
Hello Andrew,
Its good to hear that you found the post to be awesome :). All the tools here are indeed very handy in one way or the other.
Just check them out and see for yourself :).
Thanks for stopping by.
Theodore Nwangene
Guest Crew community manager
[…] starts with a big idea, but quickly escalates to online analytics and accounts. The internet is a wild world of new ideas and growth possibilities. The growth hacker […]
Hi Uttoran / Ann,
Loved the intro paragraph, however I’d like to point out something quite interesting, the statistics you displayed were largely US based stats.
If you apply the same yardstick to India, then the percentage of digital marketers who are clueless about monitoring their success in social media jumps to perhaps 95%.
They’ve learned the process of posting content on social streams, BUT (from many I’ve interacted with) they have little or no measurable capabilities for monitoring (and in turn Tweaking) their social media marketing campaign. SMM then turns into a hit or miss affair.
I have been on the lookout for a well written and presented post covering multiple tools used to monitor social media stats meaningfully. In this Blog post, I hit pay dirt. Terrific information and excellently laid out.
Definitely appreciate the time and energy that went into creating this epic post. I’m sharing on my social streams Uttoran. My readers are definitely going to profit big time from reading this.
Hey Ann P.V. here is a big thank you for sharing this on Kingged.
Nice and great article about social media monitoring tools.
I did not know about these tools before that.
This article is very wonderful for book mark and for sharing to others.
all of these point are very useful for us some of these are very important for me. anyway i am thankful to you for this great sharing.
Rana irfan recently posted…Happy new year wishes for Twitter & StumbleUpon friends
Great list guys – awesome stuff! I’ve used quite a few of these tools, and my favorites were Buffer and Google Alerts. Looking at the tools my team uses, here are others I’d consider adding:
Buzzsumo – Excellent for measuring how content is performing.
SproutSocial – Great for managing publishing across multiple social accounts. (we use this here at RocketBolt)
RocketBolt – It’s like Google Alerts for social media, and on steroids. It tells me when when my leads tweet about me, my business, or my interests. (Btw, I work there, but seriously – check it out at
Superb Collection David
I must say you have done lot of hard work for preparing this list..
Except 4 or 5 tools, I was not knowing anything about these wonderful marketing tools. As I have read about these for the very first time, I am very excited about making start of these superb marketing tools for my online business…
Thank you very much….
I’m glad you found the post handy. Just check them out, I’m sure they will make your social media marketing much easier for you.
I enjoyed over read your blog post. Your blog have nice information, I got good ideas from this amazing blog. I am always searching like this type blog post. I hope I will see again..
Its good to hear that you found the post to be awesome . All the tools here are indeed very handy in one way or the other.
Great ! Awesome ! Really effective information you have listed almost all best tools which are currently in use over the huge crowd. i prefer twazzup/ because it is good way to get started with monitoring basics.